Thursday, December 7, 2006

Iridium Satellite Phones

Prior to the boom in technology, there were several predictions that the satellite phone industry would crash. Then in the year 1990, it happened. There were a lot of investors who have thrown millions into the satellite phone industry. With a confident presumption that there would be millions of subscribers who would purchase the product as an everyday gadget, all the investors were dreaming of their riches. And then the industry crashed.

But soon, the demand for the satellite phone picked up again. With lowered prices and cooler handsets, more and more people have found the necessity to own one.

Satellite phones, as the name implies, use satellites to get a signal or transmission. They can be used virtually everywhere. Unlike cellular - a phone that has a limited range - satellite phones allows you to call and receive calls virtually anywhere in the world. These are great for those living in areas where cellular networks don’t exist. There are still other countries that do not recognize this telecommunication system but time will come when the satellite service will be available all over the world.

The Iridium network is a leader in the satellite phone market.

The Iridium Satellite System is composed of three major components:

• The Satellite Network
• The Ground Network
• The Iridium Subscriber Products (This includes the phones and the pagers).

The design of the Iridium Network enables voice and date communication to be routed virtually to any part of the world. The voice calls and the data transmissions are transmitted from one satellite to another until they reach the satellite above the Iridium Unit (the handset). That is the time that the signal will go back to the earth.

The Iridium Satellite Telephone System is regarded as the only provider of truly global, truly mobile satellite voice and data solutions with a complete coverage of the earth including the oceans and the Polar Regions. This is one of the reasons why it is more expensive compared to other satellite phones.

With its convenient, portable, fixed mobile communications and the ability to monitor your business anywhere you are, Iridium is ideal for your day-to-day voice or basic data communications in some of the remotest parts of the world.

The question now is which phone to use?

This is where reviews come in handy. There are a host of reviews available in the internet showcasing the strong and weak points of each handset available. From these reviews of iridium satellite phones, you will be able to choose which one will be perfectly right for you.