Online Backup Service as the name suggests is a backup service that backs up your data on an online remote server. Businesses today have become more and more dependent on computers and Internet. With all the sensitive business data on servers, would you risk it by not having a reliable and secure backup solution? provides you an effective, reliable and secure online backup service. With the advancement of Internet technology, online backup services have become affordable for even small business owners. Our online backup service is easy to setup, simple to use but extremely secure and reliable. Remember, by regularly backing your data you are not only protecting your data but your business as well.
Advantages of online backup over traditional backup
� Online backup service will automatically backup your data where as your traditional backup utilities will not.
� It stores your data on a secure offsite location while your storage devices are present in the same office. In case of a disaster not only you will loose your data but backup as well.
� There is no storage limitation while using an online backup service whereas traditional backup services have limited storage capacity.
� Data recovery from an offsite server is fast and secure.
� Your traditional drives and CDs are subject to physical damage but data stored on an offsite server is secure.
� There is a high risk of human errors in your traditional backup services but element of human errors is minimized in online backup services.
� There is constant processing done on your data and if for any reason you fail to backup your data, you get an email from the support staff the next day.