Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Take Care when Communicating

Welcome to another week of self-discovery and universal understanding. This week's forecast begins on Wednesday when the Sun, your source of vitality and light at 20� Taurus will square Neptune, the planet of universal love at 20� Aquarius. The energy of this square will make you will make you feel emotionally vulnerable today. Neptune on the Sun will weaken your ego demands for independence which can distort your reality of self, making you feel dreamy and unsure of your reality. Sometimes these feelings of inadequacy can create images of failure and you will construct impossible dreams to justify your inability to succeed. If you are to become independent and express yourself with confidence in this life, you must be willing to risk failure if you are to gain from the experience of living. With time you will grow more aware of your abilities and and will be able to accept full responsibility for your creative reality.

On Thursday Mercury, the planet of communication at 13� Taurus will be in opposition to Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth. The energy expressed from this opposition of Mercury with Jupiter will make you think in grand terms. With this transit you can plan details with precision and clarity. Because you are looking at the greater whole which includes the finer details of your perception, communications with others today will have a touch of arrogance and cocksureness. Try to remain flexible enough to others' points of view or you could find yourself engaged in a heated debate.

On Friday Mercury, the planet of communications at 14� Taurus, will sextile Uranus, the planet of unexpected change at 14� Pisces. The energy expressed from this sextile of Mercury with Uranus will have you seeking excitement and change. You can expect a change in direction and your travel, and in communications with others today. All around you today, pleasant surprises will influence the direction of your comings and goings that will give you new insights into your world.

Late Saturday night, the Moon at 22� Scorpio will be in opposition to the Sun at 22� Taurus. This opposition of the Moon and Sun is known as the Full Moon. This month's full moon will focus her light on your value system versus your resources. Since the Taurus (Sun) and Scorpio (Moon) polarity is connected with desire, your misuse of these energies can create trouble with regard to the objects you own, or wish to make your own. The Taurus desire to accumulate material goods for emotional security can lead to Scorpionic pride as well as jealousy under this month's Full Moon. This Full Moon Taurus-Scorpio polarity is concerned with what what you value. The problem of values is that they are connected with your Scorpio desire. Desire is also associated with sex, which will also be the focus of today's Full Moon. Scorpio is associated with sex and all forms of letting go. Elimination, ejaculation, and death are all expressions of Scorpio's energy. This Full Moon will create confrontations that will intensify your awareness and appreciation of Earth's securities. The lesson of the Full Moon is not to become unduly attached to the physical gifts of Earth's abundance, which are given to use and discard.

On Saturday Mercury, the planet of communications at 17� Taurus will sextile Mars, the planet of personal energy and ego drive at 17� Cancer. The energy expressed from this sextile of Mercury with Mars will make for an extremely busy day. Mentally you are ready for any opportunities that arise today. You should take the initiative and don't hesitate to display your skills and know-how. Under this influence you will be successful.

On Sunday, Mercury, the planet of communications at 20� Taurus will square Neptune, the planet of universal love at 20� Aquarius. The energy of this square of Mercury with Neptune will cloud your judgment. Today's communications are hopelessly misunderstood or perhaps not even delivered. Don't believe all of what you hear today; truth will be distorted or misrepresented. What you think will be challenged by what you feel, and what you feel is only a fantasy of what you desire. Are you confused? You should be. Just stay in touch with the real world and maintain control over your fantasies today.